The following framework is now found on the NQF

It is split into 3 septette areas:

  1. QCTO for Occupational qualifications which are completed in the work-place from level 1 to 8
  2. CHE or Higher education qualifications in universities and colleges from level 5 upwards
  3. UMALUSI – School levels or General and Further Education unto and including level 4 or matric level

RSC currently offers training at National Certificate – Level 4 FETC: Wealth Management and Higher certificate NC: Wealth Management NQF 5 quality assured by INSETA and QCTO and will in future be offering QCTO Occupational Certificates in Level 4 to eventually 8 as soon as they have been registered on SAQA and RSC has been accredited.

Click on the following graphic to see the details: