Regulatory Exam Links

STUDY MATERIAL – updated April 2018

To access the reading material from INSETA/BANKSETA  for regulatory exams updated in April 2018, which should be used with the RSC online or classroom training programs, click on the following links:



Use this reading material when preparing for the regulatory exams and please note you will need to enrol for these exams with one of the accredited examining bodies.

INSETA video support

Required Reading Material

The following links provide resources and documents that should be read when preparing for regulatory exams for key individuals and key individuals and they have been put in the order you should use when studying for your regulatory exams:

FSCA document providing an excellent overview and instructions on how to prepare for the examination. Read this before you start on this study:

FSCA RE1 and RE5 Preparation Document

INSETA comment on errors in new material from BANKSETA/INSETA. RSC is looking into these errors and will correct any errors we find.


You need to read the following financial services legislation when preparing for this examination:

  • FAIS Act – this is the core legislation relating to financial advice. You should read this multiple times during your study period to ensure complete understanding of this very important piece of legislation
  • FICA – Financial Intelligence Centre Act – the main money laundering legislation for financial service providers, key individuals and representatives:
  • Financial sector Regulations Act – new and very important legislation which sets up the new financial services structures being implemented this year:
  • FSCA provides links to all the important financial services acts at the following site at

click here for Financial Services Legislation

FSCA Board notices are found at the following link on their website. Please note that there are in excess of 600 notices on this link and you need to refer to the following important board notices for your preparation, as per the FSCA Preparation guide for the regulatory examinations are:

  • BN 194 of 2017 – Determination of Fit and Proper Requirements for Financial Services Providers, 2017
  • BN 127 of 2010 – Qualifications, Experience and criteria, for Approval as the Compliance Officer
  • BN 123 of 2009 – Notice on Requirements for Professional Indemnity and Fidelity Insurance Cover For providers, 2009
  • BN 104.of 2008 – Exemption on Services under Supervision in terms of Requirements and Conditions obtaining experience
  • BN 82 of 2003 – Determination of requirements for reappointment of debarred representatives, 2002
  • BN 81 of 2003 – Rules on Proceeding of The Office Of The OMBUD FOR Financial Services Providers
  • BN 80 of 2003General code of conduct for authorised financial services providers and representatives

Click here for all FAIS Board notices