L5 NC: Wealth Management SAQA ID 57608 Links


The following links to websites relevant to learners completing:

  • NC Wealth Management Level 5 SAQA ID 57608 made up of the following skills programs:
    • SPWM5001 Environment
    • SPWM002 Risk and FNA
    • SPWM5003 Wealth Management
    • SPWM5004 Long term Insurance
    • SPWM5009 Health and medical Risk
    • SPWM5010 Health program
  • OC Financial Advisers Level 6 SAQA ID made of the following part qualifications::
    • OC Long term Adviser NQF level 5(Replacement for the above NC Wealth Management – for general advisers Cat C.
    • OC Pension and EB Advisers Level 5 – for pension and EB advisers. May be completed as part of OC Financial Adviser program but not available free standing at this stage.
    • OC health Advisers Level 5 – for health and medical aid advisers. May be completed as part of OC Financial Adviser program but not available free standing at this stage.
    • OC Investment Advisers program NQF Level 6. foe advisers who have completed level 5 programs and would like to continue their financial serves education at level 6, to work towards Postgraduate in Financial Planning (Level 8) or be prepared to complete access through a RPL process.

These websites will provide you with:

  1. Updated information on the various subjects in the textbooks and video lectures required for these qualifications.
  2. Provide you with context and background to the knowledge learned in the textbooks and video lectures.
  3. Introduce you to the resources or subject matter experts we use to keep up to date with changes in the financial services industry, economy, politics, technology, social changes, environment, legislation and other relevant information required by a financial services professional.  

Many of them will invite you to register for newsletters which will be sent to your email to keep you up to date with these important changes. Only choose website that you find useful, cover your areas of interest and possibly use a personal email account for this as your company may have rules and blocks on this type of newsletters. Do not accept any invites to register for newsletters from any website you feel is suspect in any way or requires you to pay for these newsletters. As a learner you should only use newsletters that provide this information with out charge,

Introduction to the use of PDF documents

Watch the following to learn more about PDF documents which are used extensively in RSC programs:

What is a PDF


Complete and sign PDF Documents


FAIS/FSCA Notice – Acceptable Qualifications

FSCA FAIS Notice 36 of 2019 lists the qualifications which are acceptable to the FSB for fit and proper requirements.  The National Certificate in Wealth Management SAQa ID 57608 / 66611 that we provide through the INSETA ETQ is listed under Cat 1 and you can find it by searching this alphabetical list:

FAIS List of acceptable qualification

Media and online financial news

The following media sites will provide information and news on important areas that impact on financial advice and placing our clients in a position to make an informed decision. They will also provide you as a learner in financial adviser and services with information that will be useful in the successful competition of these qualifications.

Alex Hog Biznews is one of the most useful websites to keep up to date with current affairs in the business and financial services world.

Biznews Link

Investopedia is an excellent resource which provides a wiki for all things investments and has an excellent glossary of financial terms


Wikipedia – an online encyclopaedia which is maintained by the community that uses.

IOL is an excellent online news resource which has an online magazine  Personal finance which is focussed on providing information on insurance, medical aids, investments, retirement, banking and all aspects of personal financial planning.

Mandy Wiener Journalist

News 24 is another excellent online news website

Fact Checking sites

The following 3 sites will help you in ensuring that your research is not based on “fake news”

Africheck SA fact-checking site

This has become my main resource for checking for fake news in SA, and you can sign up for their newsletter, which I find very useful. There is no charge, but they do ask for donations.




We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

FactCheck.org is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The APPC was established by publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg to create a community of scholars within the University of Pennsylvania that would address public policy issues at the local, state and federal levels

Click here to go to Fact check

Snopessnopes logo

This is an excellent fact checker for international news – click on the logo above…

Financial Services Legislation and Regulations

The FCSA provides links to all the important legislation for the financial services industry at the following link and include the following:

  • Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (Act 45 of 2002)
  • Credit Rating Services Act (Act 24 of 2012)
  • Financial Advisory and Intermediaries Services Act (FAIS Act)(Act 37 of 2002)
  • Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act (Act 28 of 2001)
  • Financial Intelligence Centre Act (Act 38 of 2001)
  • Financial Markets Act (Act 19 of 2012)
  • Financial Sector Regulation Act (Act 9 of 2017)
  • Financial Services Board Act (Act 97 of 1990)
  • Financial Services Ombud Schemes Act (Act 37 of 2004)
  • Financial Supervision of the Road Accident Fund Act (Act 8 of 1993)
  • Friendly Societies Act (Act 25 of 1956)
  • Insurance Act (Act 18 of 2017)
  • Long-term Insurance Act (Act 52 of 1998)
  • Pension Funds Act, 24 (Act 24 of 1956)
  • Short-term Insurance Act (Act 53 of 1998)

CLICK HERE FOR Financial Services Legislation

Introduction and Report Writing

Ethics and Compliance Environment

Financial Servces Legislation

FSCA and all the financial services legislation and regulations are found at the FSCA website at FSCA LEGISLATION AND ACTS REGULATED BY THEM


FAIS ACT and Money Laundering

Economics, Current Affairs, Change in Financial Services

A very useful news resource for this area is http://www.iol.co.za/business/personal-finance

Risk and Risk Mitigation

  • US 242581 Trend analysis

Marketing, Communication & Client Care 

Financial Advice and Planning Skills

Retirement Planning

Tax Planning

For all information on income tax, CGT, Estate Duty and other forms of taxation use the SARS website. You will also find documents on taxation of retirement funds, business taxation and worksheets to do income tax calculations.

Investments and Portfolio Management

7 principles of Investment – Warren Buffet


Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts

for Unit Standards

242603, 242592 & 242605

Risk and Short Term Insurance

Medical Aids and Health Insurance

This section covers unit standards 242582,242579,242575, 242567,242568,242616 and 242565