RSC is committed to creating a training, development and education pathway to enable financial service staff to develop from enrty level to the industry to become a profession financial adviser to their client as envisaged in the FAIS act and Generl Code of Conduct.
They also want to assist entry level financial advisers who aspire to become a financial planner or financial professional to have a practical and effectibe learning pathway to follow. he offereing form RSC includes:
- Class of business training in a range of license areas which is an entry-level requirement for new entrants to the industry
- Regulatory exam program and coaching to prepare for RE:
- Representitives
- Key Individuals
- FETC Long term Insurance NQF level 4
- FETC Short term Insurance NQF Level 4
- FETC Wealth Management NQF Level 4
- NC Wealth Management NQG 5 made up of skills programs:
- Regulatory and Economic environment NQF Level 5
- Risk and introduction to financial advice NQF level 5
- Long term Insurance Level 5
- Health funding advice Level 5
- Pensions and Employee Benefits Level 5
- Wealth Management and Investments Level 5
- Investment Advice Level 6
- New QCTO programs:
- OC Underwriting Level 5
- OC Financial Adviser NQF Level 6
- OC Long term Insurance adviser Level 5
- OC Pensions and EMployee Benefits Level 5
- OC Health Advisor Level 5
- OC Investment Adviser level 6
- OC Compliance Officer Level 6
- OC Financial Markets Adviser Level 7
- Coaching and advice to assist with Post Graduate in financial planning and CFP® membership
- Coaching and advice to FSP and representitives as a paraplanner on specialist financial planning for clients with complicated por sophiticated needs.
Contatct us at info@rscnetwork.co.za if you would like more infomation on any of the above programs and services offered by RSC