When I started RSC in 2000 used a tree graphic as our logo, which was a representation of the tree of life and knowledge from my reading I was doing at the time on Kabbalah. This graphic came up on the MS Word template I decided to use for the reading material I am redesigning and updating for the changes over the past few years and the requirements for the new QCTO occupational qualifications. I think this beautifully represents true knowledge that has the potential to become wisdom. Knowledge grows when nurtured and protected into a beautiful tree reaching for the sky and always leaning towards the sun, but to reach its full potential its roosts must be firmly connected to the earth and grounded in facts, truth and knowledge discovered in our past, while the tree grows and discover new areas of knowledge and wisdom through growth and development. This will remain my philosophy for the new programs, videos and books I will be developing in the future and I hope to create material which will help people, learners and students to discover their path to true development and growth in their careers, artistic endeavours and how a healthy mind lives and grows in a healthy body.
I am finding this MS Office template to be so inspiring. Thank you Microsoft.